Saturday, June 21, 2008

Should faith and community do the states work? POL106

The recent Faith and Community-based Initiative is an interesting idea which could cause many states to cut their budgets. The federal government gives out money to do public works, usually to the states to have them spread the money to where it is needed. However, this new movement would put federal money in the hands of the religious and community centers around the country to do public works through a far more direct route, cutting the state out of the equation completely.
As discussed in class the state counts and the money from the federal government for their yearly budgets and would feel that the federal government is taking libertes from them by cutting them out of that money to give it to the people. It is an issue which could vary well cause problems for states and the system as a whole. As we have been hearing, the states have always risen up against the federal government when their liberties were threatened, take the civil war or Texas as examples. This issue could cause another uprising, or it could bring local and state level government together to better use the money being given and cause a more effective movement toward better communities and states on the whole. No matter what the outcome, the fact that religious organizations are included will cause both help and harm to this cause. The phrase "Can't we all just get along?" comes to mind in these situations, and as history has shown us the answer is a resounding NO.

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