Saturday, June 21, 2008

Home...or something like it

Finally I'm home and relaxing. One week of classes over and one current family emergency shoved off on someoneelses shoulders! Thank the lord for frequent flyer miles and my ability to handle my mother under stress. Our basement almost flooded if not for my quick thinking...yeah right it was when my dog came and got me to show me the over flowing drain that I cleared it out. Like I'd be that smart to begin with, please! My cat gained 0.1 pounds! Take that renal failure! In yo face! i believe my friends have discovered I am far from normal and have accepted that yes I do randomly break into song an dance when it rains. OK decompression over. Tine for real news. I have yet to find a summer job and I have already gotten to understand that my apartment will never be cool, no matter what form of cooling I use. And I have come to realize I can not live on lettuce and salmon alone so a shopping trip is in the works. Please send me requestes for dinner and when you are free to come over. I had Dick and Joyce for French Onion soup the other night and Robin for grilled salmon the next lunch. So please come one come all, but don't critic my cooking or I'll kick you out! Just kidding!

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